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Property tax in Spain

Property Tax in Spain: Read Our Overview

Property tax in Spain is the taxation on real estate, and it is a very common Spanish tax. You will have to pay multiple taxes on your property, and in Spain, all property owners are required to pay these taxes. You must apply for a NIE (Número…
Autonomo Spain

Autónomo in Spain: How to Be Self-Employed in Spain

Spain is a great place to start a small business, and the country has been ranked as one of the most entrepreneurial in Europe. There are many freelancers in Spain, and many small businesses are started every year in Spain. What is an Autónomo? An…
What is the NIE number?

NIE Number Spain: Everything You Need to Know

If you are a foreigner coming to live or stay in Spain for the first time, you will be surprised at how much paperwork is necessary. One of the most important documents is called the NIE which stands for Número de Identificación de Extranjero.…
Modelo in Spain

Common Spanish Modelo’s: Numbers, Meaning, and Uses

If you already have an existing business in Spain, or you already live in Spain, you might be familiar with some the modelo's. These are forms you have to fill in, and they are mandatory by the Spanish tax authorities. At SublimeSpain, we have…
Working in Spain

Working in Spain: The Essential Aspects Covered

If you're considering moving to Spain, then an important thing to figure out is what it's like working in Spain. Will you be able to find a job that suits you and leaves you feeling fulfilled and happy, or will it just feel like a dull and dead-end…
Modelo 720

Modelo 720: Meaning, Due Date, Rate, and Penalties

As a Spanish resident, you must use the Modelo 720 to report your overseas financial holdings when the total value of all the specified overseas assets in which you have ownership in, is more than the specified reporting threshold. The form…
Buying land in Spain

Buying Land in Spain: Things You Need To Know

Whether you want to retire in Spain, invest in Spain, or are looking for a holiday home. Buying land is a great option to save money, and make something that feels completely yours. When it comes to buying land in Spain, there are a few things…
Taxes Spain

Taxes in Spain: A Complete Overview for Expats

As in most developed economies, Spain supports its welfare and social services system thanks to taxes. Spanish residents, non-residents, and citizens enjoy numerous social programs that taxpayers pay for through various taxes. The Spanish tax…
Cédula de habitabilidad

Cédula de Habitabilidad in Spain: A Complete Guide

The Cédula de habitabilidad or certificate of occupancy is an often overlooked but critically important form of documentation needed to live in any home within Spain. Contrary to popular belief, this certificate is necessary before moving into…