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Spain is a renowned tourist destination for its stunning beaches, delicious food, and vibrant culture. However, Spain is also an excellent place to raise a family. In recent years, the country has made great strides in providing families with access to quality education and child care.

In addition, Spanish families are very close-knit, with extended family members often living close by. This can be a big advantage for working parents who need extra support.

Whether you’re looking for a sunny place to raise your kids or hoping to learn more about Spanish culture, read this blog to learn more about Family life in Spain

What are the family values in Spain?

Family is highly regarded in Spanish culture. It represents security, honesty, respect, and love. Spanish culture is widely known for its passionate and intense approach to life. This is also reflected in Spanish family values, which emphasize close relationships and strong emotional bonds. Family members often stay in close contact with one another, sharing both the good and the bad times.

There is also a strong focus on extended family, with grandparents often playing an important role in the lives of their grandchildren. In Spanish households, children are typically raised with a deep sense of respect for their elders. As a result, families in Spain typically have a close-knit and supportive structure.

Family life in Spain

How important are family relationships?

In Spain, family is important. Families are typically large and extended, with grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles often living close by. Children are considered a blessing, and families go out of their way to spend time together.

It’s not uncommon for families to have big Sunday lunches together or to gather for holidays and special occasions. Spanish families also tend to be very close-knit, with members often lending each other a helping hand. In fact, it’s not unusual for families to have a “home away from home” where they can go if they need help or just want some company. all in all, family is very important in Spain.

What are some Spanish family traditions?

Spanish families have many unique traditions and festivals that are celebrated throughout the year. Some of these traditions are religious in nature, while others are more cultural or family-oriented. Here are 10 of the most popular Spanish family traditions:

  1. 12 grapes

    On New Year’s Eve, it is a tradition to eat 12 grapes at midnight. Each grape represents one month of the upcoming year, and eating all 12 is said to bring good luck. The whole family typically participates in this tradition.

  2. El dia de Reyes

    Epiphany, or Three Kings’ Day, is one of the most important days in the Spanish calendar. Families gather together to celebrate the arrival of the Three Kings in Bethlehem. A traditional meal of roast lamb is often served, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones.

  3. Semana Santa

    Holy Week is a time when Spain comes alive with processions and markets. Families often take part in religious ceremonies and eat traditional dishes such as codfish Stew and torrijas (fried bread soaked in syrup).

  4. Fiesta de Mayo

    Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday that commemorates the victory of the Mexican army over the French at the Battle of Puebla. In Spain, it is also a day to celebrate regional traditions and culture, with folklore dancing and performances taking place across the country.

  5. Día de la Madre

    Mother’s Day is celebrated on May 10th in Spain. Families come together to show their appreciation for mothers and motherhood. Traditionally, children will pick wildflowers to give to their mothers, and special meals are often prepared as a way of showing gratitude.

  6. San Juan Bautista

    Saint John the Baptist’s Day is celebrated on June 24th with bonfires, feasts and balls being held in towns and villages across Spain. It is also customary for people to jump over the flames of bonfires as a way of guaranteeing good luck in the coming year.

  7. La Tomatina

    This quirky festival takes place in August in the town of Bunol near Valencia. Participants pelt each other with tomatoes in a giant food fight that lasts for around an hour! Afterward, everyone cleans up together and enjoys a magnificent paella feast.

  8. La Virgen del Pilar

    This public holiday on October 12th celebrates Spain’s patron saint, The Virgin Mary. Processions and pilgrimages take place across the country, and special foods such as churros con chocolate (fried dough sticks dipped in chocolate) are enjoyed by all.

  9. Halloween

    Although not originally a Spanish tradition, Halloween has become increasingly popular in recent years. Children dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating around their neighborhood, while adults enjoy parties and gatherings with friends.

  10. Navidad

    Christmas is one of the most important holidays in Spain, with family gatherings and festive meals taking center stage. On Christmas Eve, it is traditional for families to attend Midnight Mass before enjoying a huge feast known as “La Cena de Nochebuena.”

Traditions help form family life in Spain

Spanish families, traditions are an important part of family life in Spain. They help to connect people to their history and culture, and they provide a sense of community. Traditions also give families a chance to spend time together and create lasting memories. Furthermore, they are important to Spanish families because they help to create a sense of identity and connection.

What is the average family size in Spain and

Spain is a large country with a population of over 46 million people. The average family size (couple) in Spain has 2 children. The high average family size in Spain is due to a number of factors, including the fact that Spain is a Catholic country and the Spanish government offers financial incentives and good social security for families to have more than two children.

In addition, Spain has a relatively young population, with the median age being just over 40 years old. This means that there are more families of childbearing age than in other countries with an older population. As a result, the average family size in Spain is likely to remain high in the future.

What are some common family structures in Spain?

Spain is a country with a diverse range of cultures and traditions. As a result, there is no one type of family structure that is considered “typical.” Instead, families can take a variety of different forms, depending on their unique circumstances.

The most common family structure is the couple, which includes two adults, which may be married or have children or not.

Another common family structure in Spain is the Extended Family. In these families, grandparents, parents, and children all live together under one roof. This arrangement provides support and security for all members of the family and helps to instill strong family values and help with raising children.

Another common family structure in Spain is the Single-Parent Family. In these families, the child or children live with only one parent, typically the mother. This arrangement often arises due to divorce or the death of a spouse. Single-parent families can face challenges, but they also provide opportunities for children to develop close bonds with their parents. No matter what form they take, families in Spain play a vital role in society.

Unique challenges that family life in Spain has

Spanish families face a number of challenges. One of the most significant is the high cost of living. This is especially true in major cities like Madrid and Barcelona, where the cost of housing, food, and other essentials is sky-high. Another challenge is the high unemployment rate, which currently stands at around 17%. This means that many families are struggling to make ends meet.

Additionally, families with young children often find it difficult to juggle work and childcare commitments. And finally, families often have to deal with the pressures of extended family members who may be critical or judgmental.

Family life in Spain

Support of the Spanish government for families

The Spanish government offers a number of programs and services to support families. One important program includes child benefits (Prestación por hijo a cargo) which provides financial assistance to families with children under the age of 18. The amount of benefit is based on the number of children in the family, and it is paid out on a monthly basis.

Families can also receive help with childcare expenses, as well as housing subsidies and grants for home repairs. In addition, the government offers free or reduced-cost health care and education for children. By offering these various forms of support, the government ensures that families are able to provide their children with a good quality of life.

Disclaimer: Information on this page may be incomplete or outdated. Under no circumstances should the information listed be considered professional legal or financial advice. We highly recommend seeking guidance from a legal or financial expert if you lack extensive knowledge or experience dealing with any of the procedures outlined in these articles.

Many Spanish traditions are passed down from generation to generation, and these traditions add colour and culture to the Spanish way of life. This article will explore some of the most famous Spanish traditions and their meanings.

Most famous Spanish tradition

Each year, people worldwide flock to Spain to witness some of its most famous traditions. These include:

  1. Flamenco
  2. Tapas
  3. Running of the Bulls

Below you can find more information on all Spanish traditions per category. You will know much more about Spain’s rich culture when you finish this article.

Traditional Spanish Events

Spanish festivals are often a spectacle to behold. Spanish people love to celebrate and party, and they have several unique traditions that make their events memorable. Some of the most famous Spanish events include:

Religious festival

Spanish people like enjoy many religious festivals. Most of these festivals have a unique history, and all of them create joy and enthusiasm. The religious festivals include:

  • Semana Santa (Palm Sunday and Holy Week)
  • All Saints’ Day (Todos Los Santos)
  • The Three Kings Day parade (Los Reyes Magos)

City and town events

Traditions in Spain vary per region, and the cultural heritage is very diverse. However, some traditions are shared throughout the country, such as festive events that coincide with religious holidays and traditional celebrations with unknown origins. Examples of town festivals are:

  • Las Fallas (the festival of fire) in Valencia
  • The Jarramplas in Piornal
  • Flower Festival in Girona
  • La Mercé (the Feast of the Virgin of Mercy) in Barcelona
  • San Isidro Festivities in San Isidore
  • Feast of Saint James (Dia de Santiago) in Galicia

Bull running and bullfighting

Bullfighting is considered a national sport in Spain, and it is deeply rooted in the country’s culture. Bull running finds its origin finds itself in the early 14th century and bullfighting from the times of the gladiators. To this day, it continues to be a tradition for some. However, in recent years there have been fewer bullfights due to costs and animal rights pressures, but they are still very much alive in some country regions.

San Fermín in Pamplona is the most famous bull-running event in the world. This event takes place every year in July, and it attracts thousands of visitors.

Traditional Spanish Food

There are many traditional dishes in Spain, and tourists and locals enjoy them. Spain doesn’t have a lot of spicy food, and Spanish food is famous for ingredients like olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, meats, and fish.


Paella is a dish that is synonymous with Spanish culture. It is a rice dish cooked in a special pan called a paella pan. The ingredients for Paella vary, but typically it includes rice, saffrons, vegetables, and meats/seafood.

Paella is eaten at celebrations such as birthdays and family gatherings. If you want to experience it, find a highly rated Spanish restaurant online and go for a plate of Paella.


Tapas are the Spanish version of small bites. They are small dishes that combine into a small or large meal, and they can be cold or hot. Dinner tapas are typically larger and can be shared among a group. Some popular tapas dishes include patatas bravas (fried potatoes with a tomato sauce), gambas al ajillo (garlic shrimp), calamares (fried squid), olives in garlic, fried cheese, and tortilla de patatas.

Tapas are also enjoyed in a bar or tapas restaurant. For example, you can start with a base of 4 tapas and then order a different tapa each time you order your next round.

Spanish ham

Spanish ham (Jamón / Serrano Jamón) is a type of dry-cured ham considered a Spanish delicacy. It is made from the hind legs of pigs and served as served a tapa or main course.

Spain is famous for its meat products. Visit local markets to enjoy fresh products that have been locally sourced.

Traditional Spanish Drinks

In Spain, people love to drink. The Spanish take their drinking very seriously, and they have a rich culture of alcoholic drinks served at celebrations and large gatherings. Below are some popular Spanish beverages.


Sangria is a popular Spanish drink made with wine, fruit, and spices. The ingredients vary, but typically Sangria includes red wine, citrus juice (orange, lemon, or lime) juice, sugar/syrup, and cinnamon. Some people also add brandy or rum to their Sangria.

You can find Sangria at celebrations, and it is the perfect drink for warm weather. Many tourists also enjoy Sangria, and many restaurants and bars throughout Spain serve it. Order a glass or go for a carafe of Sangria, and enjoy the Spanish streets all evening.

Tinto de Verano

The Tinto de Verano is a summer drink that is similar to Sangria. “Tinto” means “Red” and Verano means “Summer”. The drink is widespread among Spaniards, especially teenagers young people. You make it by combining red wine with soda (La Casera or Sprite with carbonated water), usually equal. The bartender serves the drink over ice cubes and a lemon slice.

Tintos are popular during the hot summer and is great to experience in the daytime or nighttime. You can try a glass of Tinto de Verano and Sangria, and see which one you like more.

Red Sweet Spanish Vermouth

Sweet Spanish vermouth is a type of wine. It is a sweet red wine with added alcohol. Bartenders make the drink by pouring the dark red wine over ice and adding olive and an orange slice.

With over 150 types of Spanish vermouth, it is a drink you can keep exploring. Have one at a restaurant for dinner, or enjoy it at dinner. There is also a “La Hora del Vermut”, typically between 12:00 and 13:00 on Sundays.


Cava is a sparkling white or rose wine that has its origin in Spain. The wine is made from the the Macabeo, Xarel·lo and Parellada grape. Cava means basement in Catalan, and it refers to the cellar where the wine ripes. Cava is the competitor of champagne, and the drink became popular in Spain when there was a trade war between Spain and France.

It can be served with food, but it’s great for toasts and celebrations. You can also drink it as a sparkling white wine. You can find cava in any liquor store or supermarket in Spain. Go for a bottle of cava and celebrate Spain with the taste of Spanish sparkling wine.

Traditional Spanish Activities

Spain’s traditions also include activities they partake in during the day and night. Their Mediterranean lifestyle and cultural heritage have a lot to do with how Spaniards live their lives. Below are some traditional daily and nightly activities.


The siesta is an afternoon rest that is common in Spanish culture. It’s a time to relax and catch up on some sleep after a long day of work. It is taken due to the hot weather, and it usually lasts for about two hours. Today, the siesta is not being taken as often as it used to, and changing work culture makes it nearly impossible for the long break.

It’s still a common tradition in small Spanish towns, and of course, there is no problem enjoying it on the weekend ad on holidays. Make sure to have a refreshing nap in the afternoon in Spain and feel what it’s like to take a break from the heat.


While changing in certain companies, around 13:30, employees have a one to two-hour lunch break. This is when they can go home and enjoy a meal with their family or stay at work and eat in the cafeteria.

Many lunch places in Spain offer lunch specials that are very affordable; some are not yet open at 12:30. You can find a lunch special for €5-€10 if you’re looking to save money and eat good, go to a Spanish restaurant for authentic tapas, soap, or warm meals.

Late night dinners and bar scene

Spaniards are known for their love of late-night dinners. They often eat dinner at around 21:00 or 22:00. This is because they like to take their time with meals and relax after a long work day. The climate allows them to have dinner later in the evening.

Spanish bars are also trendy. They offer a relaxed and social atmosphere where people can drink, eat tapas, talk, and listen to music. The nightlife in Spain is something 100% Spanish to experience. In the cities, you can find many streets full of people until late at night. If you’re looking to enjoy the social life in Spain, experience Spanish nightlife. Head out to a bar or club in the evening for a night of fun.

Traditional Spanish Music

Spain is famous for its traditional music, often played at festivals and special occasions. Some of the most famous traditional Spanish music genres are below.


When you hear flamenco music, you think of Spain. Flamenco is one of the most famous Spanish traditions, and it originated in Andalusia. It is a type of music and dance that combines several elements such as guitar, singing, clapping, and footwork.

Flamenco dancing is a passion, and the women’s dresses are colourful and vivid. Because flamenco dancing requires a high level of skill, you won’t see much excellent flamenco dancing at clubs. You can enjoy authentic flamenco in flamenco shows popular tourist attractions.


The jota is a traditional dance from the Aragon region of Spain. It is a fast and energetic dance usually performed to lively music. The dancers wear long, colourful skirts and vividly patterned shawls. The dance is done with the hands in the air, a lot of spinning and kicking.

If you’re in Zaragoza, make sure to check out a jota show. The Aragonese people take a lot of pride in their traditional dance, and it’s worth seeing. The jota is a popular dance at local celebrations, and you can also visit professional jota shows.


The Sardana is a traditional dance from Catalonia. It is a slow, graceful dance performed by a circle of dancers. The dancers hold hands and link arms around the dance area. The origins of the Sardana are unknown, but some believe it is thousands of years old and came from South America.

The Sardana is traditional Catalan dance. If you’re in Barcelona, make sure to check out a performance of the Sardana, and it’s a must-see for any fan of traditional Spanish culture.

Traditional Spanish musical instruments

Traditional Spanish music is an essential part of the country’s culture. Below we discuss three different types of traditional Spanish music.


The castanets are a traditional Spanish percussion instrument made from two pieces of hardwood. They are typically played by snapping the fingers and are often used in flamenco music.

Spanish Guitarra

The Spanish Guitarra is a traditional acoustic guitar popular around the world. When you think of an acoustic guitar, you probably think of the Spanish guitar, and it’s also known as the classical guitar and used in Spanish traditional music.

The guitar has a deep and mellow sound, perfect for traditional Spanish music. If you’re looking to buy a Spanish guitar, make sure to get one with nylon strings. They are the most popular type of Spanish guitar for classical and folk music.


The Lute is a traditional stringed instrument that is often played in Spanish music. It has a pear-shaped body and typically six strings. It was introduced by the Moors in the 8th century and was very popular in medieval Spain.

The Lute is a beautiful instrument that has a soft and mellow sound. It’s perfect for playing traditional Spanish music and is often used in Andalusian music. If you’re interested in learning to play the Lute, many instructional videos are online.


The Vihuela is another Spanish stringed instrument similar to a Lute, and it has a pear-shaped body and six double strings. It was developed as an alternative to the Lute and was popular in the 16th century.

The Vihuela is a beautiful instrument with a sweet sound. It’s perfect for playing traditional Spanish music and is often used in flamenco music. If you’re interested in learning to play the Vihuela, there are many instructional videos online. The Vihuela is typically played with a plectrum and gives the music a bright, ringing sound.

Traditional Spanish clothing

Traditional Spanish clothing is a beautiful and vibrant part of the country’s culture. Below we discuss three different types of traditional Spanish clothing.

Flamenco dress

The flamenco dress is the most iconic piece of women’s traditional Spanish clothing. It is a long, flowing dress usually brightly coloured and heavily embroidered.

It is often very ornate and is perfect for special occasions. If you’re in Seville, make sure to check out a flamenco show and see the beautiful dresses up close.

Spanish fan

The Spanish fan is a traditional piece of women’s clothing often used in flamenco dancing. It is a small, handheld fan made from lace or silk.

The fan can be used to make graceful gestures and add drama to the dance. If you’re in Seville, make sure to watch a flamenco show and see the fans in action, and if your hot, buy one to use it to cool off.


The Gilet is a traditional piece of men’s Spanish clothing, and it is a waistcoat or jacket that is typically made from wool or velvet. The Gilet is very decorative flashy, elaborate, yet elegant.

You won’t see many men wearing this clothing nowadays, but it’s still a beautiful part of traditional Spanish culture. When you visit a conventional celebration or show in Spain, make sure to have a look at the men’s gilets. They are very impressive.

Sombrero cordobés

This hat from córdoba is made from soft, felt wool and has a wide brim. The sides are folded up and pinned to the top of the hat.

The sombrero cordobés is typically worn by men and is perfect for keeping out the sun. If you’re in Andalusia, make sure to stop by a souvenir shop and buy yourself a traditional Spanish hat.

Origins of Spanish Traditions

Spain is a country with a rich culture that is full of traditions. Some of these traditions date back hundreds of years, while others are more recent.

A lot of the Spanish traditions have their origin due to the following factors:

1. Location – Spain is a diverse country located on the Iberian Peninsula. Western Europe and North Africa have influenced Spain’s culture over the years.

2. History – Spain has a long and complicated history, which has resulted in a wealth of traditional customs and practices. Many traditions come from various cultures, such as the Romans, the Moors, and the Jews.

3. Religion – Spain has gone through many different religions, from Catholicism to Islam. Each religion has brought its own set of traditions to the country.

4. Folklore – Spain is home to various folklore, including legends, myths, and traditional songs and dances. This folklore has helped to shape the country’s traditions.

5. Language – Spanish is rich in idiomatic expressions and proverbs. These phrases often show up in traditional Spanish songs and poems.

6. Climate – The Spanish climate has also played a role in shaping the country’s traditions. For example, the weather helped develop the siesta tradition to help people take a break from the hot sun.

7. History of Colonisation – Spain was a colonial power for many years, and as a result, Aztec, Mayan, and Incan cultures influenced the country’s culture. People brought these traditions back to Spain, where they have merged with other Spanish customs.

Spanish traditions are a rich part of the country’s culture, and these traditions are enjoyed by people of all ages and help make Spain a unique and wonderful place to visit. While in Spain, be sure to experience some of these traditions for yourself!

Where to explore Spanish Culture

When you visit Spain, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the country’s rich culture. You can experience traditional Spanish music and dance at local festivals or watch a flamenco show in one of the country’s many theatres.

Another way to celebrate Spanish culture is by being lucky and getting invited to a wedding in Spain. Here you can find many Spanish wedding traditions, from the cutting of the groom’s tie, orange blossom, to the black wedding dress.

You can also explore Spanish traditions by sampling some of the country’s delicious cuisine. Try out some local dishes such as Paella, tapas, and tortillas.

And finally, you can learn more about Spanish culture by visiting some of the country’s famous landmarks and historical sites. Be sure to visit places such as the Royal Palace in Madrid, the Alhambra in Granada, and the Basque Country in the north.

Many tourists also visit the Spanish island of Mallorca, which is known for its beautiful beaches and charming villages.

Whatever you do, be sure to enjoy the authentic Spanish culture and go out. There is a lot of culture in Spain you can discover.

A word from SublimeSpain

Whether you explore the underground clubs in Barcelona, drink Sangria in Mallorca, or visit a local fiesta in Granada. You will find traditions in Spain everywhere.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about famous traditions and other customs that are not very famous but make Spain the wonderful country it is.

Spanish festivals and celebrations are a great way to explore Spanish culture. Spanish people love to party and celebrate their popular festivals. From religious observances to harvest fairs, there’s a festival for every occasion – and each one is packed with traditional food, music, and dance. Spanish festivals often coincide with Spanish holidays, but they’re also used to commemorate historical events, civic milestones, and pagan traditions. Here’s a list of Spanish festivals that are worth attending:


Dia De Los Reyes Magos – Three Kings Day

Dia De Los Reyes Magos is Spanish for Three Kings Day, which is typically celebrated on January 5th. This holiday commemorates the day that three kings travelled to Bethlehem to bring gifts to baby Jesus.

Today Dia De Los Reyes Magos is more often used as an excuse for children to receive presents from their parents or grandparents than it is as an observance of Christianity. Children will wake up on the morning of January 5th and find presents from the Three Kings, or Magos. This used to be the replacement for Christmas, but now Spain celebrates Christmas as well.

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Tamborrada – San Sebastian Festival

The Spanish city of San Sebastian is known for its annual Tamborrada festival. It includes a parade with marching bands, dancers, and political figures. Tamborrada lasts for approximately 24 hours. Groups of Spanish people march with drums and answer each other’s drums as they go. This creates a huge wall of sound and continues for 24 hours.

The day it is celebrated started in 1597, but the drumming began around the 1830s. It is not exactly clear what the start was, but it is believed that its origin finds itself in Carnaval festivities.

Jarramplas – Piornal

The Jarramplas is a frightening figure wearing long coloured ribbons and a large mask with horns. Within the culture, the Jarramplas is regarded as a cattle thief, and the entire Spanish festival is focused on food, harvest, and agriculture. The festivity includes throwing turnips at the Jarramplas, to kill the evil spirit.

Because of a large number of turnips thrown, the taunting by the Jarramplas and the excitement of the crowd, the Jarramplas wears strong protective clothing. After the spirit is killed, the person wearing the costume is embraced by the crowd.

CutreCon Film Festival

The CutreCon Film Festival in Madrid is a must-visit if enjoy a good nostalgic laugh. CutreCon is short for “Cine Trash,” Spanish for trash cinema. It is Spanish cult films, horror movies, and B-movies. CutreCon is an annual film festival in Europe that focuses on movies so terrible that they’re good, many of which have been resurrected by the web and gained a cult following.

The CutreCon Film Festival is great for people that love Nostalgia for the era of low-quality, VHS films, dissatisfaction with conventional film, and a desire to laugh and release steam has helped to increase the genre’s popularity.


Fiestas y hogueras de San Juan

Thousands of people queue up in the streets ready to jump over some 20 bonfires. The Arizkun Carnival Festival is an ancient pagan ceremony that is thought to promote fertility and keep evil spirits at bay. People jump over bonfires to purify themselves, but also to keep themselves warm in February’s chilly Spanish weather.

People dress up in sheepskin coats, adorned with black pots, wearing maypole style hats and carrying brushes. As the Spanish crowds get ready to jump over their bonfires people begin to form Spanish circle dances around them. The Spanish dances are extremely lively and often end in an explosion of noise with people banging their Spanish drums and ringing Spanish bells.


Sitges Carnival

The Sitges Carnival is a famous carnival that takes place in the Spanish Mediterranean. This carnival is known for being very wild and crazy. The Sitges Carnival is popular with the gay community. This is because Sitges is known as the gay capital of Spain.

Sitges Carnival is one of the world’s top 10 carnivals and attracts more than 250,000 people to Sitges over 7 days with amazing parades, shows and parties. The carnival takes place in Sitges which is a small, seaside Spanish village located in the Barcelona province in the autonomous region of Catalonia, Spain.


Las Fallas Festival

Valencia will be turned upside down during the celebration of the Fallas, a Spanish festival that combines tradition, satire and art and is a must-see. There are many similarities between the Spanish tradition and Mardi Gras. But there is also another tradition called Catarina Sénia that is popular in Valencia, Spain.

The Fallas come from a tradition of carpenters. They used to celebrate the arrival of spring by burning the wood they used to make lanterns for winter lighting. They then started making statues out of these woods, which the people of Valencia found funny. Today, the fallas have turned into art pieces that sometimes cost millions of euros to make.


Holy Week Semana Santa

The Spanish traditional Semana Santa (or Holy Week) is one of the most impressive Spanish traditions. Spanish people celebrate this festival by taking processions through the streets, during which they carry giant floats of lifelike wooden sculptures depicting scenes from the Bible.

In Andalusia, the traditions are especially famous. In the Spanish province of Andalusia, a large portion of the population is catholic and therefore these traditions are especially important to them. One example is the celebration of the Semana Santa in Seville.

Sant Jordi (Saint George) Festival

On April 23rd, Barcelona is filled with roses and love. People in Catalonia celebrate the day of their patron saint, Sant Jordi, with a strange tradition. It is a very popular festival that combines culture and romanticism, celebrating both World Book Day and Valentine’s Day.

There are many celebrations on the streets in Barcelona that you can visit. The famous buildings of Gaudi are full of flower stalls, and outside you can find books and literary activities such as workshops and recitals. Some of the most popular streets are La Rambla, Paseo de Gracia, Paseo de Sant Joan, and Rambla de Cataluña.


Girona Flower Festival

In May, the colourful village of Girona in Catalonia is the host of the flower festival. The town literally blossoms during the Girona flower festival. At this festival, you can find all kinds of Spanish flowers in stals, buildings, parks, artworks, clothing, stores and pretty much everywhere you look. The streets are lined with brightly coloured gardens, reflecting the Spanish tradition for flower displays.

The Spanish region of Catalonia is well-known for its wonderful Spanish flowers, which are called “flors” in Catalan language. Since 1954, entrepreneurs have been using this flower festival to compete and promote their local products in Girona.

Feria de la Manzanilla

The town of Sanlucar de Barrameda, in southern Spain, holds Manzanilla sherry-themed events including dances, concerts, explosions, and drinking on the high street.

Manzanilla is a Spanish for Spanish sherry, which is a very popular Spanish drink in Southern Spain. The Spanish town of Sanlucar de Barrameda holds many Feria de la Manzanilla festivals celebrating this Spanish drink with music concerts that are free to the public.

San Isidro Festivities

San Isidore, the Farm Labourer was a Spanish farmworker who was known for his generosity to the poor and animals. San Isidro Labrador was born in Madrid around 1070 and is commonly recognized as the patron saint of Madrid.

These festivities, dedicated to the 12th-century farmer, have evolved into a patron saint’s celebration during which all visitors and citizens are totally immersed in the atmosphere of Madrid from decades ago.

Locals from Madrid, as well as visitors, make the trip to visit the Hermitage of San Isidro for a day of music, dancing, and eating regional food.


El Colacho (Baby Jumping) Festival

In the Spanish town of Castrillo de Murcia, close to Madrid, a religious event takes place every year. The Spanish event is called “El Colacho”.

The devil is represented by El Colacho, and he tours the town. While the crowd walks through the town the devil is behind them. They taunt him because he represents evil. The devil holds ponytails and sometimes runs after the people in front of him and hits them with them. The crowd plays music and holds parades as well.

A highlight of the event is where babies born in the previous twelve months are jumped over by Colacho (the devil) as a way to protect them.

Night of San Juan

La Noche de San Juan, or San Juan Night, is a festival celebrated throughout Spain, but especially in Alicante. The tradition has a number of themes, including fire, firework, water, and light. On the beaches in Marbella and the Costa del Sol, massive bonfires are lit that represent the purification of the spirit across the beaches. People spend time together eating food, drinking alcohol and partying all night.

The San Juan Festival is held on the night of June 22 and goes until after midnight on June 23. It was originally a pagan ceremony that marked the start of summer.

Haro Wine Festival

The Haro Wine Festival is a summer event in the La Rioja province of Spain’s north. The event is mainly focused on a Batalla de Vino (Wine Battle). Throwing wine on one another, the participants drench each other until they are all soaking wet. Music is played on drums and everybody hangs out with their friends and family members for a sunny afternoon. Thousands attend the festival where over tens of thousands of litres of wine are spilt. Bottles, buckets, shoes, water pistols and farming spraying devices are used.

It is not completely clear what started the event back in the 13th century. Some people believe that it came from baptisms for wine performed in a chapel dedicated to the city’s patron, Saint Felices. However, the main story is that there was a land dispute erupted between Haro and the neighbouring town of Miranda de Ebro in northern Spain. It is said that Haro’s town officials began hanging purple banners on St Peter’s Day to reaffirm their authority; the custom grew into wine tossing.

Festival de Granada

Every year, several events and stages are held at various locations throughout Granada, drawing more than 30,000 visitors. The annual celebration began in the symphony concerts held in Charles V’s Palace from 1883.

The most important event is the Spanish dance where Spanish dancers showcase their skills through dances. Several stages in monuments, churches and arena’s play different types of music such as symphony orchestras, dance and ballet, recitals, and traditional Spanish music. A lot of people come together and they enjoy drinks and food while watching the performances which continue throughout the night.


Running of the bulls, but then cost and animal friendly. Mataelpino, a Spanish town north of Madrid uses balls as a replacement for the bulls in this spectacle that attracts a lot of Spanish and foreign visitors.

The lighthearted spin on a Spanish classic is endorsed by animal rights organisations and has increased tourism and attracted Mataelpino attention from Japan.

Balls are rolled down a narrow corridor towards the participants, who run in front of them. While balls are being used, the damage the balls do is still significant. Injuries of the runners consist of bruising, broken bones. In 2017, someone even ended up in a coma. Since there were so many injuries, the heavy balls were replaced by inflatable balls and helmets are now required.

Sónar Barcelona

This festival in Spain features a wide range of musical genres, however, ‘electronics’ is the most prevalent. People who enjoy electronic music can do so. The event not only pays attention to music, but you can also find film and futuristic media.

There is a camping ground for the Spanish festival, and it is one of the biggest electronic dance music festivals in Spain.

Barcelona Beer Festival

If you like beer and Barcelona then this festival is perfect. The event began in 2012 and has been growing in popularity since then, with beer lovers from all over the world gathering to sample the many varieties of brews. There are over 500 different beers, beer tastings, workshops, meet and greets, lots of snacks, conferences and other events to keep you happy. Learn everything you need to know about beer and the brewing culture in Spain.

The Spanish definitely know their beer and this is a great opportunity to taste as much as you can. At the end of the festival, a panel of judges will present awards to the best beers.


Running of the Bulls in Pamplona – Saint Fermin and Running of the Bulls

One of the most controversial and famous Spanish traditions that have been taking place for over 200 years. Dangerous for both participants and bulls, the Running of the Bulls consists of bulls racing through narrow streets so people can run away from them. Bulls (non-castrated male cattle) are typically utilized in these events.

People are encouraged to dodge the bulls by standing in doorways or jumping onto balconies. A lot of serious injuries and deaths have occurred during these events. The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona takes place over an 875-meter course in front of six fighting bulls led by six tamed bell-oxen that leads the bulls.

The event’s history stems from the practice of moving bulls from farms outside the city to the bullring, where they would be killed during bullfighting. Bullfighting has its origin from the gladiator fights in Rome.

Feast of St. James

On July 25, many people in Spain celebrate the life and deeds of James, son of Zebedee. Saint James was one of Jesus’ first disciples and some Christians believe that his remains are buried in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.

The event includes church services and fireworks. The Spanish festival pays tribute to their religious beliefs, journey, and tradition.

Near Death Festival – Celebration de Santa Marta de Ribarteme

The celebration of Santa Marta de Ribarteme is a chance for people who have had near-death experiences to give thanks for their existence. During the festival, the participants from all over the country, that have experienced near-death experiences, or want to thank someone else who hasn’t died, get into a coffin. Then they pretend to be dead and are marched through the city.

This Spanish festival is a unique chance for those who have been given a second chance at life to express their appreciation, and silence out of respect from the crowd is expected. At the end of the parade, people cry or cheer their joy and appreciation.

The origin of this Spanish festival is a mystery, but it is thought that comes from a pagan ritual. However, the Catholic Church made them do it in a Christian ceremony. Santa Marta’s ability to survive a deadly situation likely led to her being linked with this particular ritual.

Fiber FIB Benicassim

The Benicassim International Film and Music Festival is a Spanish dance music event that takes place in Benicàssim, north of Valencia. Due to its performances by both Spanish and international artists, it’s a very popular event among locals.

This Spanish event draws in thousands of fans each year. The music played during the Spanish festival is Spanish indie, rock, hip-hop and electronic dance music. With this, you will definitely find something you will enjoy.


Festa Major de Gràcia – Barcelona

In August, the streets of Gràcia in Barcelona, come to life for a week-long celebration that transforms the neighbourhood. The Gràcia festival is a celebration held in the Gràcia district of Barcelona each year to commemorate the neighbourhood’s history and promote its new boutiques. The goal of the festival is for the streets in the area to compete against one another to be named “the best-decorated street.” There are shows, concerts, food stalls, dance, children activities, and spectacular street ornaments.

There are Casteller events organized by the Castellers de Barcelona, an organization dedicated to promoting human towers through culture and sports. The first report of the event was in 1817, when Gràcia was considered a rural area outside of Barcelona.

Aste Nagusia – Bilbao

The Aste Nagusia is an 9-day Spanish street festival in Bilbao. The Spanish event takes place each year during the last week of August, and it’s known as one of the biggest summer fiestas in Spain. It attracts around 1 million visitors each year, making it one of the largest festivals held in Basque Country.

During the Spanish event, there are many activities, including concerts, cookie contests, games for children, bullfights, dancing, parades, and sports events. There are also stalls selling Spanish food and drinks, along with Spanish music being played throughout the entire Spanish festival. The Bilbao Aste Nagusia is considered to be one of Spain’s best summer festivals for its combination of fireworks shows, Spanish food, and music.

The Aste Nagusia Festival began in the middle of the 19th century as a celebration to entertain the people who would spend their summers in San Sebastián.


Fiestas de la Mare de Deu de la Salut in Algemesí (Valencia)

This festival in the province of Valencia in Spain has theatre, music, traditional dances, human towers, and traditional Spanish costumes. People go through the streets to celebrate the variety and history of Spanish culture and traditions. There are many parades and traditional dances at this two-day festival, and you can also find religious musicals.

The festival is dedicated to the patron saint of Algemesí, La Mare de Déu de la Salut, and dates back to 1247. It is part of the UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Humanity list.

Fiesta De La Mercè, Barcelona

These city festivities in Barcelona are held to honour the Spanish patron saint, Mercè (the Virgin of Grace). Spanish and Catalan traditions and customs are celebrated through music, theatre, and art during the five-day festival at the end of September. There’s also a parade where people dress up in Spanish costumes and carry paper mâché figures designed by professionals, human towers, and fireworks.

The event dates back to the 15th and 16th centuries when the Spanish government asked the saint Mercè for assistance with a plague. When the plague was gone, they started celebrating the saint. There is a basilica in Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter dedicated to the Virgin Mary, where a wooden picture of her is revered.


Fiesta Nacional de España / Día de la Hispanidad

“Día de la Hispanidad” is the official name for the Spanish national holiday. It is held every year on October 12th. It is celebrated all over the country of Spain, you can find all types of activities, from military parades to fireworks, and music events. Spanish culture, art, and identity are centre stage during the Spanish holiday.

Hundreds of thousands of people go out to show their national pride. They share food, music, and dance while enjoying the Spanish nationality. People dressed in traditional regional or historic costumes, as well as folk, classical and modern music concerts and street shows, are unavoidable features of the celebrations.


All Saints’ Day

On November 1, All Saints’ Day is a holy day of the Christian church, observed to commemorate all the saints of the Church, both known and unknown, who have been granted heaven.

People in many parts of the country celebrate a national public holiday by returning to their home town or village to lay flowers on the graves of deceased relatives. There are also parades of religious figures through cities, processions of people carrying flower-covered catafalques, church services, and exhibitions. Cemeteries are very busy, and flowers can found to commemorate loved ones everywhere.

San Andres Festival – Tenerife

On 29 November, people in Puerto de la Cruz come to enjoy a tradition called Los Cacharros where they slide down a street on wooden boards.


Día de los Santos Inocentes

The Spanish equivalent of April Fools’ Day is the Día de Los Santos Inocentes, it is celebrated all over Spain. The day is one of the most popular and fun traditions of Spanish Christmas where people are allowed to joke around, and pull pranks. One of the main pranks is putting a paper cutout on the back of someone. Next to this people buy fun items at Christmas markets like the one in Madrid’s Plaza Mayor.

Many people spend time with their families and friends as well. There are also street parades, concerts, dances, and other activities depending on the location. Next to this, there are religious ceremonies commemorating Christian saints.

Els Enfarinats

Els Enfarinats is a Spanish festival in Ibi, Spain, that is also held on December 28 each year. It also commemorates Día de los Santos Inocentes. Participants of the town wear military clothing and stage a huge flour fight during which they hurl eggs and set off firecrackers.

Local experts say that the origins of the festival can be found in the Saturnalia festival from Ancient Rome. During that festival, slaves were served by their masters for a day.

A word from SublimeSpain

The Spanish culture is rich, and the Spanish festivals are a vital part of the Spanish lifestyle. There’s no better time to learn about a nation’s traditions through its festivals. We hope you enjoyed learning about the world-renowned Spanish festivals and traditions.

When you want to move to Spain for retirement, go on holiday, or buy a holiday home, it is helpful to be aware of the most common myths about this country. Understanding the Spanish culture will help avoid problems and make you blend in nicely.

Myth 1 – Spain is full of Flamenco dancers

This is one of the most common myths about Spain. There are only a few places in the country to see people dancing flamenco. Next to this, the flamenco dance isn’t easy; it takes years to learn.

Flamenco is a form of Spanish dancing and music. Initially, they created the flamenco without music; it consisted only of “Palmas” clapping and song. Currently, flamenco consists of three elements: dance (“Baile”), guitar playing (“Guitarra”), and singing (“Cante). Flamenco was influenced by foreign culture, predominantly Latin America (e.g. Mayan and Aztecs). The golden age of flamenco is usually considered the period between roughly 1780 and 1845.

Getting a job in Spain

Myth 2 – Getting a job in Spain is impossible

Spain’s unemployment rate is high against other countries in Europe, and getting a job in Spain can indeed be hard, especially if you are inexperienced and living in a village. Most job opportunities seem to be in the bigger cities. In the big cities, start-up businesses are booming more and more, and Spaniards are spending money.

There’s a high demand for qualified labour, which is why it’s possible to find a job in Spain if you have the right qualifications. There are a great number of jobs in tourism and hospitality, but having a good level of English is necessary to get the job. The job market is also growing in IT, customer service, engineering, construction, teaching, and health care.

Working in Spain is also very attractive to foreigners because salaries are usually higher for them, and living costs are also low in Spain. Remote working is also increasingly popular in Spain, but this requires some additional planning with your employer.

The minimum wage has been increasing rapidly in Spain but is lower than in northern European countries. However, lower living costs make it possible to have a comfortable life with the minimum wage.

Myth 3 – Spaniards eat lots of oranges

The oranges are the most popular fruit that Spain exports and this makes many foreign people believe that most of the Spanish food is based on oranges.

Oranges are very common in Spain, and especially Seville is a commonplace to grow oranges. The environmental characteristics make excellent conditions for the citrus fruits to grow, and the sunny weather and the soil where the fruits are grown make them very tasty. In Seville, you can even pluck them from over the 10.000 trees in the streets. However, most of these oranges are not meant for eating purposes but for processing juice.

However, the Spaniards do not eat more oranges than in other countries. The United States, Mexico, India, and China eat more oranges per capita. People love the oranges and other citrus fruits that come from Spain; citrus fruit is the 10th most exported product of Spain.

Myth 4 – Spaniards have bullfights all the time

A controversial subject in Spain is bullfights. Bullfights, in many cases, consist of inserting barbed darts into the bull until it is exhausted or weakened enough to be killed. Many foreigners believe that this is an everyday activity among all Spaniards because it is well-known abroad. In reality, bullfights are very controversial and could even be forbidden depending on the area you are in (e.g. Catalonia).

According to a national poll, 65 per cent of Spaniards are interested in bullfighting between zero and two out of ten, and this number is around 75% for younger people. Since the 1980s, there have been a lot of reactions against it and movements trying to get the prohibition lifted.

The bullfight’s origins date back to prehistoric times when men battled wild bulls to show strength and bravery. It’s more common in the south of Spain. Spain’s bullfighting tradition was initially influenced by gladiator games, part of the Roman Empire. The bull-running city is Pamplona and takes place in July; thousands of people run from the bulls.

Myth 5 – Spaniards don’t eat vegetables

A stereotype of Spanish people is that they don’t eat many vegetables and eat a lot of meat instead. Some people say that tobacco is the “only Spanish vegetable you need”. Vegetables are less commonly cooked in Spanish meals than in other countries. Peppers, artichokes, eggplant, spinach, and other vegetables are not often eaten together with the main dish, which contrasts with the Italian and French cuisine.

Spanish vegetable dishes include Tortilla de Patatas (Spanish omelette) or Sopa de Espárragos (Asparagus soup), Ensalada Mixta (mixed salad), Pisto (Spanish Vegetable Stew), Escalivada (roasted eggplant, bell peppers). Indeed, vegetables are not included in many traditional dishes, but this has been changing over the past few years as people have become more health-conscious and vegetarian. Vegetables are also commonly served separated from the main course, for example, in the form of a tapa.

Myth 6 – Spaniards don’t celebrate Christmas

Spaniards do celebrate Christmas but different than in Anglo-Saxon countries. Spaniards call Christmas “Navidad”, but traditionally it doesn’t include Papa Noël (Santa Claus) coming to town in December. However, the gift-giver is becoming more popular. This is caused by Spanish people trying to mix cultures and traditions from other countries. Currently, most families have both gifts on December 25th, and January 6th.

Instead of Saint Nicholas, they commemorate “Los Reyes Magos” (The Three Wise Men). Every January 6th, the Three Wise Men come and leave presents under the Christmas tree for youngsters. Every Spanish village and city honours the three kings on January 5th, when they descend the streets in a grand parade called “Cabalgata”.

Another tradition is the Portal de Belén, a typical catholic Christmas decoration of the nativity scene. Next to this, there’s a special dish called “Roscón de Reyes, which is eaten around December 24th; it consists of a small round of sweet bread full of whipped cream and topped with candied fruits.

Myth 7 – Spanish culture includes Mariachi bands

A mistake of some American tourists is that they expect to see Mariachi bands and sombrero’s in Spain. Well, if you wish this, you will be disappointed; Mariachi bands are found in Mexico.

The four friendly male Mexicans playing their instruments and wearing sombreros and moustaches are not from Spain. If you want to hear the great Mariachi music, you should visit Mexico. While some commercial shops may sell sombreros, this is a businessperson capitalizing on the perhaps ignorant nature of a tourist (and having fun while doing so).

Myth 8 – Siesta time: Spaniards are lazy and unprofessional

The Siesta is when people take a break from work and go home to have lunch with their families before continuing the rest of their day. While maybe a bit more common in the smaller villages, Siestas are not taken in Spain anymore. The Siesta time has become history; not only it’s inconvenient for businesses to close during Siesta, it’s also because of changes in family lifestyles.

Spaniards also work long hours at their jobs; they leave home early in the morning and come back late. Shops are almost always open on Sundays and at night. The Spanish workforce is known for being motivated, hardworking, and productive. This is also why international recruiters like to recruit in Spain.

Myth 9 – Paella is the national dish

If you google “national dish Spain”, you will probably find Paella is the top result. Paella is a rice dish with meat and vegetables, but you can also get it without meat. While Paella is one of the most well known Spanish dishes, it’s not the national dish, and Spaniards consider it a Valencian speciality.

The dish was originally a midday workers meal, cooked over an open fire like a barbecue. It consisted of rice with whatever ingredients were available in the fields. Common ingredients include tomatoes, onions, snails, beans, fish, sea algae, and different meats.

Rather than the Paella, Spaniards see the Tortilla (Spanish Omelet) as much more popular in Spain. This is a potato omelette that you can find at most tapas restaurants.

Church in Spain

Myth 10 – Spaniards are all Catholic

While Spanish churches, such as the Sagrada Família, are beautiful and historic. The Catholic Church is not as influential as it once was. Even though many Spaniards were raised Catholic and their families still go to church on holidays and important events, Spain has become a more secular country.

Of the religious Spaniards, most are Catholics (around 20%), and around 35% of them don’t attend mass. Religious freedom is respected, and the Spanish Constitution of 1978 gave up Catholicism as the national religion of Spain while acknowledging its societal importance.

Research in 2015 showed that only 3% of Spaniards consider religion one of their three most important values, lower than the 5% European average.

Myth 11 – Spain is all sunshine

Yes, Spain has lots of sunshine, especially in the south of Spain. Next to this, the sun in Spain can be powerful, especially in the summer months. However, one of the common misconceptions about Spain is that summer is all they know. Most people don’t know that there are freezing months in Spain, and the weather can even be pretty bad. For example, it rains a lot in Madrid, and it gets very cold in the winter.

Next to sunshine, there is also a lot of snow and places to ski in Spain. Places like the Spanish Pyrenees or the Sierra Nevada are perfect for enjoying the snow, and they have many slopes to choose from and a wide range of difficulty levels.

Myth 12 – Spaniards are all brown-skinned

White skin and brown hair are very prevalent in Spain, but not all Spaniards have this type of hair and skin. Spaniards have a very mixed heritage, and many Spaniards also have a more typical northern European look with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Spanish heritage comes from the Moors, Germanic Tribes, Romans, and the Celts. You can find all these types of people in Spain and make a mix of everything over time.

British and African immigration has also caused many people to influence the population’s appearance. The Spanish population is diverse, with different skin colours and features that may be more or less common depending on which part of the country you go to.

Different cultures in Spain

Myth 13 – Spanish food is spicy

Another common mistake people make is that they think Spanish food is spicy. That might be because in some parts of Spain, like Andalusia and Extremadura, they eat chorizo, and this is a kind of spicy sausage made with meats and spices.

But Spanish food isn’t as spicy as Indian, Mexican or Thai food. In Spain, there is food such as Gazpacho, Patatas Bravas, Spanish omelette, and various tapas. They are delicious but not spicy.

Myth 14 – Spanish people drink lots of Sangria

A common misconception about Spanish culture is that Spaniards drink lots of Sangria. The truth is they do drink it, but not as much as you might think. Sangria is a traditional drink of Spain and Portugal, but it’s not very common. Sangria is red wine, fruit (lemon or orange), spices, and alcohol mixed.

The Romans established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula around 200 BC, and they planted a lot of grapes to produce wine. As a result, the Spanish people drank wine as part of their everyday lives and made it their own by adding spices. They added alcohol to fortify the wine and disinfect it in some cases.

In the present day, the truth is that Spanish people usually drink regular red or white wine like people do worldwide, and most young people don’t drink Sangria at all, and they more than likely drink Tinto de Verano instead. Tinto de Verano originated in Cordoba, Spain and is made of red wine, soda, and lemonade.

When Spanish people drink Sangria, they drink it during the summer, and they usually make their own. While you might come across as a tourist, it is delicious to have Sangria in bars or restaurants during the hot months.

A word from SublimeSpain

We hope you enjoyed reading this article on myths about Spain. This article is helpful for when you are planning to visit, live, or retire in Spain. The best way to experience Spain is without any preconceived ideas, and we hope we’ve managed to help you accomplish this by breaking a few common myths.

Spain is a renowned tourist destination for its sunny weather and beaches. However, Spain also offers excellent skiing opportunities in the north. The ski resorts in Spain are well-equipped and cater to all levels of skiers, from beginners to experts.

Spain is one of the most popular places to go skiing or snowboarding outside Europe because it has so many different options available for everyone’s skill level. Whether you want an exciting but easy day on the slopes with your children or you want something more challenging like downhill racing.

Popular ski resorts in Spain

Below you can find some famous ski resorts in Spain.

Sierra Nevada

The Sierra Nevada is one of the best places to ski in Spain, and it has a great ski resort. It’s a beautiful area with lots of mountains and ski slopes. The skiing is excellent, and there are plenty of places to eat and drink. The locals are friendly and welcoming, and the scenery is stunning. The Sierra Nevada is worth considering if you’re looking for a great skiing holiday.

The best time to go skiing in the Sierra Nevada is between November and May. This is when the weather tends to be at its best, and it’s also when most people are on holiday. If you want to avoid the crowds, it’s usually possible to ski here out of season or during school holidays. However, while it’s never precisely crowded, the slopes aren’t as fun to ski.

The best place to start is in the village of Pradollano, which is where the closest hotels and restaurants are. Several excellent beginner-level pistes around this area, including an easy green run of pine trees. There are also many more difficult pistes for experienced skiers, including the red run down from Pico de Veleta. On top of the Pico de Veleta is also an IRAM 30-m telescope, a sight to be seen.

You’ll be surprised by all the choices you have here; choose between skiing in deep powder or carving down wide slopes, and take your pick of night skiing, ski orienteering routes for groups or solo outings, zones for snowboarders with halfpipes, and other facilities that will help you enjoy a unique skiing experience.

Their snow park is a real paradise for those who love tricks and jumps, with features that will satisfy even the most demanding skier. They have a great party atmosphere during weekends and there’s always live music playing.

Baqueira/Beret – Pyrenees

Many Spanish ski resorts are on the Pyrenees, and one of the highest-rated ones is the Baqueira/Beret, one of the top ones. It enjoys the highest slopes of Spain, with almost 100 km of ski runs.

Boqueria Ski Resort is located in the ‘Spanish Pyrenees’ in Huesca, near the French border. This Spanish ski resort is one of the most modern resorts in Europe, equipped with an advanced lift system that ensures maximum safety and ease of access to all its slopes.

Next to this, it has a snowpark and plenty of opportunities for beginners and advanced skiers to practice freestyle (park and halfpipe). It has a vast ski area: 36 pistes, 160 km of runs at altitudes ranging from 1050-2610 meters, plus an unbeatable view on the French border and the Aragonese planes.

The Spanish Pyrenees are part of the mountain range that separates Spain from France, and they also form a border between Spain and Andorra, a tiny country nestled in the mountains. The highest peak in this range is Aneto Peak at 3404 meters. They pose one of Europe’s best outdoor activities opportunities, with outstanding scenery and various activities on offers such as skiing, rock climbing, caving, and mountain biking.

The Spanish Pyrenees are well worth visiting for keen skiers and snowboarders who want to ski in Spain. If you’re a beginner, the highest slopes of Spain aren’t for you, but if you’re chasing a challenge and want to experience some of Europe’s best skiing, then head on over.

La Molina – Pyrenees

La Molina is another ski resort in the Spanish Pyrenees. It features 50 kilometers f pistes, 25 blue, 18 red, and seven black ones, so you have plenty of choices here. The resort also offers some off-piste opportunities.

La Molina is the first ski station with a lift in Spain and opened on 28 February 1943, so it’s been around for a while. It hosted several world cups after 2008 and has a very updated lift system. Also, there is plenty of opportunity for rock climbing and mountain biking if that’s your thing.

Panticosa – Pyrenees

Panticosa is a family ski resort with an excellent reputation, which maintains quality through constant upgrading and improvement of services and a wide range of winter activities. A large beginners area with ski lifts and a snow kindergarten with the necessary equipment is ideal for a family-friendly ski holiday.

It is located at the heart of the Aragon Pyrenees. The whole area belongs to the National Park of Ordesa and Monte Perdido, which means that spectacular mountain landscapes surround ski runs. Panticosa is a lovely getaway with its picturesque countryside and mild climate.

There are 41 runs at the resort split into three areas (Selma Verde, Petrosos, and Sabocos) with elevations of 2200 m above sea level.

The thermal spring, known since ancient times as Panticosa’s healing thermal water, now houses the spa and wellness center, casino, and hotel.

Cerler – Pyrenees

This charming mountain village has plenty to offer skiers and snowboarders of all abilities. The Ski resort has 316 acres of terrain over 65 pistes, totaling 76 kilometers (47 miles) in length. Most of the slopes here are suited to intermediate skiers and snowboarders. Yet you can still find enough for beginners and more advanced riders. This Spanish ski resort is an excellent place for skiing enthusiasts of all levels with various slopes and well-developed infrastructure.

Cerler offers 25 kilometers (16 miles) of groomed trails if you’re looking to get your cross-country fix. Snowmaking covers over 90% of the resort, ensuring that there are always good skiing conditions.

Cerler is a large ski resort in the Aragon region of Spain. The ski resort offers 19 lifts, including ten chairlifts and nine surface lifts, allowing skiers to enjoy an impressive vertical descent of 1133 meters.

Puerto de Navacerrada – Guadarrama Mountains

If you’re looking for a great ski resort close to Madrid, Puerto de Navacerrada is perfect for you. With nine lifts, including five chair lifts and four surface lifts, there is plenty of uphill capacity to get you to the top of the 415 meters vertical drop. There are 19 pistes, ranging from beginner to expert difficulty, so that everyone can find something to their liking. And for snowboarders, there is a terrain park. Even better, a small proportion of the pistes is covered by snowmaking, so you can always count on good skiing conditions.

This ski resort is perfect for people of all skill levels, with a mix of difficult and beginner slopes. Not to mention, the scenery is beautiful – you’ll love skiing among the pine trees. And if you need a break from skiing, there are plenty of other great tourist destinations nearby, like La Granja and Segovia.

Tavascan – Pyrenees

If you’re looking for an exciting ski adventure amid stunning natural surroundings, look no further than Tavascan. This ski resort is located in the heart of the L’Alt Pirineu nature park in the Pyrenees. Its beautiful mountain scenery provides a breathtaking backdrop for your winter sports activities. What’s more, Tavascan is situated close to the village of Sort (34 km), so you’ll have all the amenities you need right at your fingertips. Next to this, Barcelona is about a 3-hour drive away. If you’re searching for some cross-country skiing adventure, Pleta del Prat in Tavascan has a Nordic cross-country skiing trail called Pleta del Prat. This path has 14 kilometers of groomed routes open to all lovers of cross-country skiing.

San Isidro – Leon

This place is a skier’s paradise, with its 1,500 to 2,100 meters of skiable area and 26 km of pistes that are sure to meet all your needs. San Isidro has something for everyone, whether you’re a beginner or an expert.

Not only is this resort stunningly beautiful, but it also offers modern facilities and some of the best gastronomy in the region. You’ll love the Picos de Europa Mountains surrounding this resort; they’re a must-see for any nature lover. It’s perfect for family ski holidays or even the week-long courses offered.

Enjoy a ski holiday in Spain

While Spain is not famous for its ski destinations, there are many ski slopes for enthusiasts of all experience levels. There are slopes located in the country’s north, south, and central mountains. Some of the most popular resorts are located in the Pyrenees Mountains and the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The country is known for its natural beauty, and there is an abundance of beautiful mountain scenery to enjoy when you’re on the slopes.